Thursday, April 23, 2009

School Outside

Well, with weather at 70 degrees, who could stay inside? I wanted to wake up and "run!" I was thinking about the park or maybe the zoo. Then I came back to the realization that eventually I had to educate these children... so...we took our books outside! I think that it proved to be a nice break in routine for everyone! Even the dog enjoyed the company "bad dog!"

recess was the best part of the day :)

ummm...did I mention that I burned the baby? His face and left leg got too much sun. I was not even thinking sunblock yet! "bad mom!"

Brinley made circles :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, I am happy to see that you had a lovely day outside...I REALLy love to see you blogging !!!! It took over a year and I finally got you!! hehe
